Below you’ll find answers to the questions we get asked the most about the cultivation of growing four plants within a Canadian home.
British Columbians will be allowed to grow a maximum of four plants, per household
(c) no more than 4 cannabis plants are growing at the dwelling house
(e) if 2 or more adults ordinarily reside at the same dwelling house and none of the adults is authorized under the Cannabis Act (Canada) to grow medical cannabis at the dwelling house, no more than 4 cannabis plants are growing at the dwelling house
There is no limit on how big your grow room can be
There is no limit on how big you grow your plants, but they must not be visible from public spaces off the property on which the plants grown
There are currently no limits to the amount of cannabis you can harvest. Although, you are limited to possessing a maximum of 30g while in public areas.
An adult can grow 4 plants recreationally at a dwelling house if the following requirements are met:
(a) the adult ordinarily resides at the dwelling house;
(b) no part of the dwelling house
(i) is authorized to operate as a community care facility under a license issued under the Community Care and Assisted Living Act to provide care programs prescribed by the Child Care Licensing Regulation, B.C. Reg. 332/2007, or
(ii) is used or operated for a prescribed purpose;
(d) the adult is not growing cannabis plants at different dwelling houses at the same time;
(f) the cannabis plant is not from a seed or plant material that the adult knows is illicit cannabis;
(g) the cannabis plant is not visible from a public place by an individual unaided by any device other than a device to correct vision
Only 4 plants can be grown per household no matter how many people reside there.
The exception to the rule is medical license holders. A medical patient would be allowed to grow within their Health Canada approved plant count. In this case, a second person residing at the same property would be allowed to grow 4 plants recreationally.
The best option do avoid damaging your property is to grow your four plants in a grow tent designed for plant cultivation.
The amount of humidity created by four plants is not enough to encourage mold.
You will need to discuss this with your insurer. Many insurers are now reviewing their insurance policy concerning home grows due to legalization.
You will need to discuss this with your property manager. Most provinces have provided property management and landlords the right to restrict home growing entirely.
Growing cannabis at home is banned in homes that are licensed daycares.
This will be the decision of your landlord. They have the right to deny you the opportunity to grow four plants.
Growing cannabis at home is banned in homes that are licensed daycares.
Dear William,
Your email of March 13, 2019 sent to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch, within the Ministry of Attorney General, has been forwarded to the Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Secretariat, within the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, for response. Thank you for your questions regarding the possession of cannabis seeds and cultivation of cannabis plants.
You have asked where to obtain non-medical cannabis seeds. Seeds can legally be purchased in-person from BC Cannabis Stores, online at the BC Cannabis Stores website, or in-person at licensed private retailers. The availability of seeds varies by location.
Adults 19+ can possess up to 30 seeds in public and possess up to 1,000 seeds in a location other than a public place (for example, at home). It is legal to germinate up to four seeds at any one time. A cannabis plant is classified as a plant from the moment it germinates.
Adults 19+ can legally grow up to four non-medical cannabis plants per dwelling house. If two adults live in the same dwelling, the legal limit of a maximum of four plants remains unchanged.
While adults 19+ can legally grow up to four non-medical cannabis plants per dwelling house, there are additional provisions outlined in the Cannabis Control and Licensing Act that must be adhered to. For example, cannabis plants cannot be visible from a public place off the property, such as parks, streets, sidewalks, sports fields, and K-12 school properties. For more information about growing non-medical cannabis at home please visit
Local governments can also further restrict growing non-medical cannabis at home under existing powers to establish bylaws. You may wish to contact your local government to find out if they have additional restrictions in place.
Thank you for writing and we hope you find this information helpful.
Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Secretariat
Policing and Security Branch
Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General
PO Box 9285, Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, BC V8W 9J7
Within B.C we recommend contacting the
Liquor & Cannabis Regulation Branch – Province of British Columbia
Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Secretariat Policing and Security Branch
Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General
PO Box 9285, Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, BC V8W 9J7